Tender Archive

Sl. No. Tender No Description Download Release Date Closing Date
1 NCPOR/P&S/SOE-50732/ GT-07

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Deep Ocean Glider

Corrigendum for SOE-50732 DEEP OCEAN GLIDER.PDF
11-01-2023 11-02-2023
2 GEM/2023/B/2974313

PR-1649 - Sharp Cartridge

GeM-Bidding-Sharp Cartridge.PDF
11-01-2023 01-02-2023
3 NCPOR/EST/CE/03/22-23

Construction of Fencing around Director’s Bungalow at NCPOR, Goa

Fencing for DirBnglw (1).PDF
06-01-2023 17-01-2023
4 GEM/2023/B/2937027

NCPOR Garden Tender

GeM-Bidding-4217131 (1).PDF
05-01-2023 02-02-2023
5 NCPOR/P&S/LAB(CRYO) -3648/GT-13

Supply & Installation of UV Visible Spectrophotometer

LAB CRYO 3648 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer.PDF
04-01-2023 06-02-2023
6 NCPOR/P&S/DOM-01/GT-01.

Supply of Containerised TV-Guided GRAB & SFOS

03-01-2023 03-02-2023
7 NCPOR/P&S/HSS-290/GT-02

Supply, Installation and Commissioning of  Clean CTD with Clean Winch, Van and Cable

03-01-2023 03-02-2023
8 NCPOR/14(109)/22

Notice inviting tender for supply of Bunkers and JET A1 fuel

42 ISEA Bunker and JET A1.PDF
Integrity Pact for Bunkers and Jet A1.PDF
21-11-2022 15-12-2022
9 NCPOR/P&S/SOE-50732/ GT-07

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Deep Ocean Glider

Corrigendum for Deep Ocean Glider SOE-50732.PDF
14-11-2022 28-11-2022
10 NCPOR/P&S/HSS310/GT-09

Supply and installation of UV  Visible Spectrophotometer

Tender Document HSS-310 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer (1).PDF
04-11-2022 30-11-2022
11 NCPOR/14(109)/22

Call for Firm Quotations: Jet A1 Drums/Oil/Lubricants 

42 ISEA NIT for fuel Oil Lubes drums.PDF
Integrity Pact for fuel
oil and lubricants for 42 ISEA.DOCX
02-11-2022 14-11-2022
12 NCPOR/P&S/LAB(CRYO)3659/ GT-10

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Ion Chromatograph System 

Ion Chromatograph System.PDF
28-10-2022 28-11-2022
13 GEM/2022/B/2676488


GeM-Bidding-UPS SYSTEM (1).PDF
26-10-2022 16-11-2022
14 GEM/2022/B/2672352

LAB-3657 / Laptop

GeM-Bidding-Laptop (2).PDF
25-10-2022 15-11-2022
15 GEM/2022/B/2668055
AES-11866 / Grooming Item (Razer Blades)
25-10-2022 01-11-2022
16 GEM/2022/B/2667986
AES-11866 / Grooming Item (Corded clipper kit)
25-10-2022 01-11-2022
17 GEM/2022/B/2667871

AES-11866 / Grooming Item (Professional hair cutting kit)

25-10-2022 01-11-2022
18 GEM/2022/B/2667853
AES-11866 / Grooming Item(Hair Trimmer)
25-10-2022 05-11-2022
19 GEM/2022/B/2662292

SOE-50738 / Polar Clothing Product

GeM-Bidding- Polar Clothing Product.PDF
21-10-2022 10-11-2022
20 NCPOR/P&S/ORVSC- 0222/GT-08

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Multibeam Echosounder onboard ORV SagarKanya

Corrigendum for Multibeam ORVSC-0222.PDF
19-10-2022 26-11-2022
21 NCPOR/P&S/SOE-50732/ GT-07

Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Deep Ocean Glider

Supply installation testing and commissioning of deep ocean glider.PDF
Corrigendum for Deep Ocean Glider SOE-50732.PDF
11-10-2022 28-11-2022
22 NCPOR/AES-11857/GT-12

Supply of Ultrasound System

Model Tender for Ultrasound System.PDF
11-10-2022 31-10-2022
23 NCPOR/AES-11856/GT- 11

Supply of POC ABG Machine with Cartridge 

Model Tender for POC ABG.PDF
11-10-2022 31-10-2022
24 GEM/2022/B/2614058

PR-1640 / Housekeeping Items (Lot 02)

GeM-Bidding-Housekeeping Items(lot 02).PDF
11-10-2022 18-10-2022
25 GEM/2022/B/2613949

PR-1640 / Housekeeping Items (Lot 01) 

GeM-Bidding-Housekeeping Items (lot 01).PDF
11-10-2022 18-10-2022
26 NCPOR/P&S/LAB(CRYO) -3652/GT-06

Supply of 20ft Reefer Container

Corrigendum (1).PDF
07-10-2022 14-10-2022
27 NCPOR/P&S/ORVSC- 0222/GT-08

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Multibeam Echosounder onboard ORV SagarKanya

Tender Document for Supply installation and commissioning of Multibeam Echosounder 06102022 (1).PDF
Corrigendum for Multibeam ORVSC-0222.PDF
Prebid Clarifications.PDF
06-10-2022 26-11-2022
28 NCPOR/EST/CE/02/22-23

Construction of SATCOM Facility at NCPOR, Goa.

Satcom- OT.PDF
27-09-2022 12-10-2022
29 GEM/2022/B/2569848

EEZ-138 - Water Bath

GeM-Bidding- Water Baths.PDF
26-09-2022 14-10-2022
30 NCPOR/14/2022

EOI-RFP for Services of a Legal Consultant to Prepare drafts of the Rules in accordance with the Indian Antarctic Act, 2022

Technical and Financial Bid Forms 1 to 5.DOC
20-09-2022 03-10-2022