Sl. No. | Tender No | Description | Download | Release Date | Closing Date |
1 | NCPOR/PS/SOE-50751/GT-02 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Deep Ocean Glider |
Corrigendum for GT-02 180723.PDF |
18-07-2023 | 26-07-2023 |
2 | NCPOR/DSEM/HSS/23 | Conducting Near-Seabed AUV surveys and exploratory works to delineate locations of Seafloor Massive Sulphide deposits |
DSEM-Tender AUV Surveys_2023.PDF PrebidClarifications (1).PDF Corrigendum_100823.PDF Corrigendum_Ext_10Aug2023 (1).PDF Corrigendum- EXT 30082023.PDF |
17-07-2023 | 15-09-2023 |
3 | NCPOR/PR1662/PT02 | Supply, Installation of Endpoint Protection Solution –LAN Based |
Tender Document for Supply of End Point Protection Solution.PDF |
17-07-2023 | 31-07-2023 |
4 | GEM/2023/B/3543428 | LAB(CRYO)-3701 Handheld Multimeter |
second extn-3428.PDF |
12-07-2023 | 26-07-2023 |
5 | GEM/2023/B/3661561 | LAB-3727 Lead Acid Battery |
LAB-3727 Lead Acid Battery-1561.PDF |
10-07-2023 | 01-09-2023 |
6 | GEM/2023/B/3622395 | Operation and Maintenance Of Electrical Systems/Electrical Installations - Complete System |
GeM-Bidding-4956280.PDF |
05-07-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
7 | GEM/2023/B/3633269 | CLCS-0199 Weighing Balance |
04-07-2023 | 24-07-2023 |
8 | NCPOR/PS/LAB-3687/GT-01 | Corrigendum For, Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) |
Corrigendum.PDF |
03-07-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
9 | NCPOR/PS/RC/2023-24 | Corrigendum for Rate Contract for Supply of Chemicals, Glasswares & Labwares. |
RC Corrigendum.PDF |
30-06-2023 | 06-07-2023 |
10 | NCPOR/06/2023 | Maintenance of Garden/lawn Services at NCPOR |
Garden Tender.PDF |
27-06-2023 | 17-07-2023 |
11 | GEM/2023/B/3607246 | PR-1678 Housekeeping Items |
PR 1678 Housekeeping Items 7246.PDF |
26-06-2023 | 01-08-2023 |
12 | GEM/2023/B/3607988 | PR-1678, Housekeeping Items |
PR 1678 Housekeeping Items 7988.PDF |
26-06-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
13 | GEM/2023/B/3608047 | PR-1678, Housekeeping Items |
PR 1678 Housekeeping Items 8047.PDF |
26-06-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
14 | GEM/2023/B/3602073 | AES-11892 -Printer Cartridges (Brand: Xerox) |
Bid -Printer Cartridges for Xerox Brand.PDF |
23-06-2023 | 06-07-2023 |
15 | NCPOR/PS/HSS-329/GT-03 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Clean CTD with Clean Winch, Van and Cable |
Corrigendum 21062023.PDF CORRIGENDUM 270662023.PDF Corrigendum for CTD 11.07 Corrigendum 17.07 Corrigendum for CTD 24.07 |
22-06-2023 | 10-08-2023 |
16 | NCPOR/PS/DOM-12/GT-04 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Containerized TV-Guided Grab (TVG) & Seafloor Observation System (SFOS) |
Corrigendum_TVG-SFOS_160623.PDF Corrigendum 10072023.PDF Corrigendum_TVG-SFOS_Revised PT.PDF Corrigendum 21072023.PDF |
22-06-2023 | 07-08-2023 |
17 | GEM/2023/B/3593364 | PR-1652 Digital Notice Board |
PR-1652 Digital Notice Board-3364.PDF |
21-06-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
18 | NCPOR/PS/SOE-50751/GT-02 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Deep Ocean Glider |
Global Tender for Supply Installation Commissioning and Testing of Glider.PDF PRE-BID Clarification for GT-02 180723.PDF Corrigendum for GT-02 180723.PDF corrgiendum_07032024.PDF |
20-06-2023 | 26-07-2023 |
19 | GEM/2023/B/3574836 | Supply of Computers |
Bid-Supply Of Computers.PDF |
16-06-2023 | 07-07-2023 |
20 | GEM/2023/B/3564866 | HSS-313 Supply Of Multi Parameter Portable Meter |
14-06-2023 | 31-07-2023 |
21 | GEM/2023/B/3543428 | LAB(CRYO)-3701 Handheld Multimeter |
09-06-2023 | 10-07-2023 |
22 | GEM/2023/B/3545092 | PR-1676: Biometric Attendance System |
PR-1676 Biometric Attendance System.PDF |
09-06-2023 | 30-06-2023 |
23 | NCPOR/PS/RC/2023-24 | Rate Contract for Chemicals, Glasswares, and Labwares for the year 2023-24 |
RC Tender Document.PDF RC Corrigendum.PDF |
07-06-2023 | 06-07-2023 |
24 | GEM/2023/B/3442137 | Bid Corrigendum - Custom Bid for Services - Deployment and Recovery of Passive Ocean Bottom Seismometers in the Indian Ocean |
06-06-2023 | 26-06-2023 |
25 | GEM/2023/B/3530125 | PR-1675 Consumables for Office Maintenance |
Consumables for Office Maintenance-0125.PDF |
06-06-2023 | 28-06-2023 |
26 | NCPOR/PS/LAB-3687/GT-01 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Quadrupole Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) |
Quadrupole - ICPMS.PDF Corrigendum.PDF |
30-05-2023 | 18-07-2023 |
27 | GEM/2023/B/3489854 | PR-1666 Camera- high end / Camera- low end |
PR-1666 Camera- high end Camera- low end-9854.PDF |
29-05-2023 | 19-06-2023 |
28 | GEM/2023/B/3346388 | Canteen Service - Best Price on Fixed Menu Rate Model |
Canteen GeM-Bidding-4658222.PDF |
26-05-2023 | 19-06-2023 |
29 | NCPOR/PS/DOM-12/GT-04 | Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Testing of Containerized TV-Guided Grab (TVG) & Seafloor Observation System (SFOS) |
Tender Document for Containerised TV Grab and SFOS.PDF Pre-Bid Clarification.PDF Corrigendum_TVG-SFOS_160623.PDF Corrigendum 10072023.PDF Corrigendum_TVG-SFOS_Revised PT.PDF Corrigendum 21072023.PDF |
25-05-2023 | 07-08-2023 |
30 | NCPOR/PR1662/PT01 | Supply, Installation of End Point Protection Solution-LAN Based |
Tender Document for Supply of End Point Protection Solution- LAN.PDF |
25-05-2023 | 22-06-2023 |