Tender Archive

Sl. No. Tender No Description Download Release Date Closing Date
1 GEM/2022/B/2492124

AES-11879 - Food Items for Antarctica Expedition (Lot2)

GeM-Bidding Food Lot 2.PDF
01-09-2022 12-09-2022
2 NCPOR/P&S/LAB(CRYO)-3648 /GT-05

Supply & Installation of UV Visible Spectrophotometer

UV Visible Spectrophotometer.PDF
29-08-2022 21-09-2022
3 NCPOR/AES-11856/GT03

Supply of POC ABG Machine with Cartridge

AES-11856 Model Tender for POC ABG.PDF
29-08-2022 19-09-2022
4 NCPOR/AES-11857/GT-04

Supply of Ultrasound System

AES-11857 Model Tender for Ultrasound System.PDF
29-08-2022 19-09-2022
5 NCPOR/13/2022

EOI-RFP for Services of a Legal Consultant to Prepare drafts of the Rules in accordance with the Indian Antarctic Act, 2022

Technical and Financial Bid Forms 1 to 5.DOC
26-08-2022 15-09-2022
6 NCPOR/VOM-14/1/2022

Construction and Delivery of Ocean Research Vessel

Corrigendum dtd 24_08_2022.PDF
Corrigendum Dtd 09092022.PDF
Corrigendum dtd 07102022.PDF
Corrigendum dated 26102022.PDF
Corrigendum dtd 09112022.PDF
Corrigendum dated 24112022.PDF
Corrigendum dated 13122022.PDF
Corrigendum dated 13012023.PDF
Corrigendum dated 27012023.PDF
Corrigendum dated 14022023.PDF
Corrigendum dated 24022023.PDF
DOM ORV_Corrigendum_14032023.PDF
Date extension_Corrigendum_ dtd 14032023.PDF
Corrigendum dated 03042023.PDF
Addendum dated 100523.PDF
25-08-2022 15-05-2023
7 NCPOR/VOM/12/1/2022

Dry Dock and Afloat Repairs of Research Vessel – ORV Sagar Kanya 

Corrigendum (1).PDF
Corrigendum dtd 30_08_2022.PDF
18-08-2022 22-09-2022
8 GEM/2022/B/2435538

EEZ-134 - Portable Hard Disk

GeM-Bidding-Portable Hard Disk (1).PDF
12-08-2022 23-08-2022
9 GEM/2022/B/2415437

Lab (Cryo) - 3644 - Workstation

GeM-Bidding-Workstation (3).PDF
05-08-2022 19-09-2022
10 GEM/2022/B/2400511

CLCS-0194 - Workstation

03-08-2022 23-08-2022
11 GEM/2022/B/2378807

CLCS-0195 - Desktop Computers

GeM-Bidding-Desktop Computers.PDF
03-08-2022 12-08-2022
12 GEM/2022/B/2400166

PR-1638 - Multifunction Machines MFP

GeM-Bidding-Multifunction Machines MFM (1).PDF
03-08-2022 12-08-2022
13 GEM/2022/B/2383495

CLCS-0196 - Multifunction Machines MFP

GeM-Bidding-MFP Colour.PDF
26-07-2022 19-09-2022
14 GEM/2022/B/2370373

PR-1624 - CCTV Camera and Accessories

GeM-Bidding-CCTV Camera and Accessories.PDF
22-07-2022 12-08-2022
15 GEM/2022/B/2348505

PR-1635 - Laptops

GeM-Bidding-Laptop (1).PDF
15-07-2022 26-07-2022
16 GEM/2022/B/2335493

SOE-50722 - Workstation

GeM-Bidding-Workstation (1).PDF
13-07-2022 23-07-2022
17 NCPOR/P&S/HSS-290 /GT-02

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of  Clean CTD with clean Winch, Van and cable

12-07-2022 16-08-2022
18 GEM/2022/B/2335946

SOE-50724 / Laptop

12-07-2022 22-07-2022
19 GEM/2022/B/2326142

Arctic-473 - Portable Hard Disk (10TB)

GeM-Bidding - Hard Disk 10TB.PDF
08-07-2022 18-07-2022
20 GEM/2022/B/2327032

SOE-50723 - Workstation

08-07-2022 18-07-2022
21 GEM/2022/B/2322197

PR-1627 - Multifunction printer

GeM-Bidding -Multifunction Printers.PDF
06-07-2022 18-07-2022
22 GEM/2022/B/2319185

AES-11854 - Binocular Polarizing Petrological Microscope

GeM-Bidding-Binocular Polarizing (Petrological) Microscope.PDF
06-07-2022 16-07-2022
23 GEM/2022/B/2310905

Enterprise-Grade Hard Disk

GEM BID - Enterprise Grade Hard Disk SATA HDD.PDF
01-07-2022 02-08-2022
24 GEM/2022/B/2310735

Network Attached Storage Systems

GEM BID - Network Attached Storage Systems.PDF
01-07-2022 02-08-2022
25 GEM/2022/B/2292475

IOGL-015 / Portable hard disk (SSD TYPE)

IOGL-015 - GeM-Bidding for SSD Type Hard disk.PDF
29-06-2022 07-07-2022
26 NCPOR/VOM/12/1/2022

Dry Dock and Afloat Repairs of Research Vessel – ORV Sagar Kanya 

SK DD Tender doc 24 6 2022.PDF
Prebid and additional clarifications & Updated Workscope.PDF
Corrigendum (1).PDF
SK-DD Updated workscope as per corrigendum dated 18082022.DOCX
SK-DD Updated workscope as per corrigendum dated 18082022.PDF
Clarifications on New CCTV System dtd 26082022.PDF
Corrigendum dtd 30_08_2022 (1).PDF
24-06-2022 22-09-2022
27 NCPOR-OSG-14011/1/22

Global Tender for chartering of Ice Class Research Vessel

Corrigendum-ICRV (deadline extension) 2.PDF
Corrigendum-ICRV (dd line extn-01 Aug 2022).PDF
22-06-2022 01-08-2022
28 GEM/2022/B/2280172

Lab(Cryo)-3582 /Solar Power Plant 20KW

GeM-Bidding-Solar Power Plant 20KW.PDF
22-06-2022 12-07-2022
29 NCPOR/P&S/ORVSC-0219/ GT-01.

Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Multibeam Echosounder Onboard ORV Sagar Kanya

CORRIGENDUM - Multibeam Echosounder Onboard ORV Sagar Kanya.PDF
15-06-2022 15-07-2022
30 NCPOR/VOM-14/1/2022

Construction and Delivery of Ocean Research Vessel

DOM ORV Final tender doc 14june2022.PDF
14-06-2022 15-05-2023