News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Tender for Drilling of one 3000m-deep vertical borehole along with associated services in Koyna region, Maharashtra for scientific investigations 05-05-2015
2 Arctic Science News : Whitening the Arctic Ocean? 29-04-2015
3 Arctic News-Contaminants a threat to polar bears 09-04-2015
4 Belmont Forum Collaborative Research Action Call for Proposals on Climate Predictability and Inter-Regional Linkages 01-04-2015
5 Teacher Training Workshops jointly organized by IGEO & NCAOR during July 2-5, 2015 19-03-2015
6 Pre-Announcement Call for Climate Services Collaborative Research action on Climate Predictability and Inter-regional Linkages under the Belmont Forum 16-03-2015
7 EOI for Drilling of a 3 Km - Deep, Scientific Research Borehole In Koyna Area, Maharashtra (India) for Earthquake Investigations 11-03-2015
8 Invites Nominations from Scientists/Researchers for forthcoming IODP expeditions 10-03-2015
9 Earth's orbit affects the stability of Antarctica's Eastern ice cap 05-02-2015
10 Arctic ice cap slides into the ocean 28-01-2015
11 Melting glaciers have big CARBON impact 21-01-2015
12 2nd runner-up position for Best Student Paper Presentation during 9 -11 Dec 2014 at ESRI, New Delhi 26-12-2014
13 Call for proposals for Scientific Research in the Arctic Region (2015-2016) 04-12-2014
14 Invitation for ISAES2015 Session Proposal for the Proposed Themes and Last date for Session Submission is: 30th November 2014. 06-11-2014
15 Positions of Consultant under the scientific Project “Scientific Deep Drilling Programme in Koyna Region” 17-10-2014