News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Call for proposals for scientific research in the Arctic region (2016-2017) 05-11-2015
2 Science News: Mass gains of Antarctic Ice sheet greater than losses 03-11-2015
3 NCAOR to host 52nd Annual Convention of Indian Geophysical Union (IGU) 02-11-2015
4 Science News: Powerful winds are carving away Antarctic snow 16-10-2015
5 Dr. Ravidas K. Naik received second best poster award for Hindi Scientific poster presentation 16-10-2015
6 Science News: Global marine analysis suggests food chain collapse 14-10-2015
7 Science News: Melting of Antarctic ice shelves set to intensify 14-10-2015
8 Science News: Global warming can alter shape of the planet,as melting glaciers erode the land 07-10-2015
9 Science News: Impact of Antarctic regional warming: Sea level rise from Filchner- Ronne ice melt 07-10-2015
10 Science News:Tiny plankton can play a major role in CO2 storage in the oceans 29-09-2015
11 Science News:Researchers reveal when global warming first appeared 23-09-2015
12 Science News - Southern Ocean removing carbon dioxide from atmosphere more efficiently 22-09-2015
13 Antarctic Science News : Burning remaining fossil fuel could eliminate the Antarctic Ice Sheet 22-09-2015
14 Warming seas and melting ice sheets 09-09-2015
15 Shridhar Jawak competitively selected for POLENET-SERCE Glacial Isostatic Adjustment training school in USA 07-09-2015