Careers Archive

Sl. No. Advt. No. Description Release Date Last Date Download
1 NCAOR/73/13

WALK-IN-INTERVIEW of Electrical Engineer

2013-10-10 2013-10-17 Advertisement Engg (Electrical).PDF
2 NCAOR/II/Rec-III (4)/12

Result for walk-in-interview held  on 20th July 2013 at NCAOR, Goa and 21st August 2013 at Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi

2013-09-06 2013-10-06 OM dated 05.09
3 NCAORlIVRec-III (4)/13

List of shortlisted candidates for interview for the position of PhD Studentship in Norway

2013-09-02 2013-09-20 NPICandidatesList.PDF
4 NCAOR/54/13

Result for walk-in-interview held on 26th & 27th August 2013

2013-08-30 2013-09-16 Result of WII.PDF
5 NCAOR/54/13

WALK IN INTERVIEW for JRF and Research Scientist B

2013-08-14 2013-08-27 GEOID Recruitment 2013 _Full advt_.PDF
6 NCAOR/49/13


2013-08-06 2013-08-21 Walk-in_Interview-Doctors.PDF
7 NCAOR/41/13

WALK-IN- INTERVIEW for Junior Research Fellow


2013-07-17 2013-07-26 Advt41_JRF.PDF
8 NCAOR/37/13

WALK-IN- INTERVIEW for Logistics Personnel on 13 & 14 August 2013

2013-07-05 2013-08-14 Walk-in-interview_Logistics.PDF
9 NCAOR/32/13

WALK-IN- INTERVIEW for Medical Doctors

2013-07-04 2013-07-20 Advt_No_ NCAOR_32_13.PDF
Application_form_AL-2010D_ Medical_Officer.DOC
10 NCAOR/23/13

Walk-in Interview for Research Scientist B for Southern Ocean Studies and Indian Arctic Programme

2013-05-23 2013-06-12 FullAdvt13.PDF
11 NCAOR/18/13

Walk-In Interview for Junior Research Fellow


Date: 8th April 2013 (Monday)

2013-03-22 2013-04-08 NCAOR.18
12 ESSO-1(15)/2012-Sectt.

Result of selected candidates for the post of Scientist-B

2013-03-20 2013-04-20 Result_20-03-2013.PDF
13 NCAOR/43/12

Result of selected candidates for the post of Scientific Assistant Grade 'A', Co-ordinator Grade IV & Jr. Executive(Store)

2013-03-19 2013-04-19 Result-14-15-March-2013.PDF
14 NCAOR/43/12


2013-02-25 2013-03-18 Names of screened in candidates.PDF
15 NCAOR/02/13, NCAOR/03/13 , NCAOR/06/13

Result of selected candidates (Research Scientist B, Jr. Research Fellow & Shipboard Assistant)

2013-02-21 2013-03-21 Result-21-02-2013.PDF
16 ESSO-1(15)/2012-Sectt

Result for Scientist-C post under post code-6

2013-02-05 2013-03-05 ESSO DCB.PDF
17 NCAOR/06/13

Walk in interview for Research Scientist B.

Interview date: 08th February 2013

2013-01-22 2013-02-08 Advt 06.PDF
18 NCAOR/03/13

Walk–in–Interview for temporary posts at NCAOR, Goa.

Date: 1st February 2013

2013-01-10 2013-02-01 Walk in interview for shipboard Asst Jan 2013.PDF
Proforma of application.PDF
19 NCAOR/02/13

Walk in interview for Research Scientist B & Junior Research Fellow

Date: 23rd January 2013

2013-01-09 2013-01-23 Advt -09-01-2013.PDF
20 NCAOR/43/12

Recruitment for Co-ordinator Grade IV, Scientific Assistant Grade ‘A’ and  Junior Executive (Stores)

2012-08-27 2012-10-02 Advertisment-09-08-2012.PDF