The eleventh Indian Scientific Expedition to the Southern Ocean/Antarctic Waters has been launched from Port Louise, Mauritius on 11 January at 1200hrs

The eleventh Indian Scientific Expedition to the Southern Ocean/Antarctic Waters  has been launched from  Port  Louise, Mauritius on 11 January at 1200hrs the duration of the expedition will be for two months.

Dr.Anoop Mahajan from the Indian Institute of Tropical meteorology (IITM), Pune is leading a team of researchers from 15 research organizations and universities across India. Air and water samples will be collected from around 60 stations along the cruise track, which will give valuable information on the state of the ocean and atmosphere in this remote environment and will help to understand its impacts on the climate. One key objective is to quantify the changes that have been occurring and also the impact of these changes on large scale weather phenomenon like monsoon through tele-connections. These data collected during the cruise not only help to understand new processes and plug our knowledge gaps but also help to improve our predictions of the future climate through reducing uncertainties and increase accuracy.