News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Summer School on Antarctic Climate Variability and Ice Dynamics 09-02-2017
2 Science News: Earth's orbital variations, sea ice synch glacial periods 02-02-2017
3 Science News: Antarctic bottom waters freshening at unexpected rate 02-02-2017
4 NCAOR- Outreach Program 24-01-2017
5 Online Application invited for the post of Scientist B 23-01-2017
6 Science News: Changing atmospheric conditions may contribute to stronger ocean waves in Antarctica 18-01-2017
7 Science News: Landmark global scale study reveals potential future impact of ocean acidification 11-01-2017
8 Science News: Rapid Arctic warming has in the past shifted Southern Ocean winds 11-01-2017
9 9th Indian Scientific Expedition to Southern Ocean has been launched from Port Louis, Mauritius on 6th January 2017 11-01-2017
10 Science News: Newly discovered phytoplankton groups appear to favor warmer oceans 10-01-2017
11 Science News: Giant iceberg - 5 000 square kilometers -set to calve from Larsen C Ice Shelf, Antarctica 10-01-2017
12 NCAOR Participating in 104th Indian Science Congress at Tirupati, 3-7 January, 2017 04-01-2017
13 Certificate for highly cited research in Polar Science awarded to Dr. A. Luis 04-01-2017
14 First Indian early career researcher won International Arctic Science Committee fellowship 22-12-2016
15 Science News: How community interactions amplify response of calcifying phytoplankton species to ocean acidification 20-12-2016