News Archive

Sl. No Title Publish Date
1 Second talk/ NCPOR Webinar Series- Indian Polar and Ocean Mission 07-05-2021
2 Expression of Interest for hiring of Professional Conference Organizer (PCO) for organizing the XXXVII SCAR Biennial Meetings and Open Science Conference, in Hyderabad, 19-28, August 2022. Last date is extended upto: 4th June 2021 29-04-2021
3 NCPOR 21st Foundation Day 30-03-2021
4 NCPOR Invites Nominations from Scientists/Researchers for forthcoming IODP expedition 377 30-03-2021
5 Anvita U. Kerkar, SRF has been selected amongst the best 100 stories for DST-AWSAR AWARDS for the year. 25-02-2021
6 Scientific Publications 23-02-2021
7 Invitation for Innovative Research Proposals 41st Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica (XLI-ISEA) 19-02-2021
8 India-Japan Webinar on Marine Plastic Pollution Prevention and Management on 16 February 2021 11-02-2021
9 Polar Science Webinar Series-III on 19th March 21 @3:30PM(IST) 03-02-2021
10 72nd Republic Day celebrated at NCPOR Goa campus 27-01-2021
11 Inviting public consultation to the draft Blue Economy Policy and send your comments to by 31-05-2021 25-01-2021
12 विश्व हिंदीदिवस पर राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान कवि सम्मेलन 2021 का सफल आयोजन 14-01-2021
13 Dr. Thamban Meloth has been elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences India for 2020 01-01-2021
14 Dr. Avinash Kumar, Scientist D, NCPOR Goa, has been awarded the prestigious National Award "ATAL VAGYAANIKA SHIKHAR SAMMAN - 2020" 30-12-2020
15 Curtain Raiser and Vigyan Yatra Programme for 6th India International Science Festival (IISF-2020) is being organised by MoES-NCPOR on 11th December, 2020 09-12-2020